The Tech Show 2023 (9 to 11 November 2023 at Suntec City Level 4)

The Tech Show 2023 is back! It is held over these four days at Suntec Convention Centre Level 4. In the past, such tech shows were very popular and extremely crowded. However, with platforms like Shoppee and Lazada, customers are much less excited about such tech shows.

Little Big Red Dot paid The Tech Show 2023 a visit. The show was generally very underwhelming. It did not feel like a tech show due to the sheer number of bedding stalls, door lock vendors, credit card sign-up booths and even property agent booths (insurance booths are a given).

This is the site plan.

Here is a walkabout of the event:

There are still some good deals. Here are my personal picks.

  1. Singtel
    Buy an iPhone and get Airpods (2nd Generation) free
    If you sign up for any mobile plan and purchase an iPhone, you will receive a pair of Airpods (2nd Generation) for free.Buy a Samsung Flip or Fold phone and receive a pair of Galaxy Buds for free.The Singtel staff also mentioned about getting a Galaxy Tab for free when purchasing a Samsung phone. I did not confirm this. I believe the Airpods and Galaxy buds were the better deals.
  2. DysonThe Dyson Airwrap Red is going for $333. This is a repackaged set. It is the set in the red box in the picture. The Dyson staff over the counter told me that this is an earlier model and these sets were from previous sets which were perhaps damaged and repackaged. There is a 1-year warranty on these sets. Considering that the newer model costs just under $700, this is half the price of the newer model. The Gold piece in the picture is the newer model.
  3. Orion Lite Electric Desk with Orca Office Chair bundle setThis whole set for $499.

Our creative director Wilber called this a home improvement show rather than a tech show. You can view his walk about here:



The Tech Show 2023
9-12 November 2023
Suntec Convention Centre, Level 4
12 pm to 9 pm


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Daryl Lum
Daryl Lum
Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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