Light to Night Festival 2025. Worth the time?

Art is something that, to me, under appreciated in Singapore. Singapore prides itself in having everything spanking modern and new. However, art is not about being modern and new. It is about expression. It is about invoking a response. It is about heightening curiosity. It is about reminiscing the past.

If so, then the Light to Night Festival 2025 is worth the time. For starters, I attended the media preview and it took me about a week to craft this article. So why the delay?

I was wondering, who is this Light to Night Festival for? I went, I saw, I recorded and I went home confused.

This was how the event went…

There was a short briefing at the start of the media preview.

As usual, Wilber was comfortable posing for the camera.

We were given a brief introduction to some artists who contributed to the festival. They are artists from the yesteryear. As evidenced from the greys on their heads. However, don’t you think that despite their advanced age, they have excellent fashion sense?

Without revealing much, I shall briefly show how the tour went.

We were split into multiple groups. Little Big Red Dot was in the group with the black wrist band. Apparently because we are a family focused blog. I guess we are.

The theme for Light to Night 2025 was “Do You See Me?”

It is supposed to be thought provoking. The exhibition pieces are both in the National Gallery as well as around it. We were fortunate that the heavy rain subsided by the time we were supposed to wander outside.

We were led to the first art piece which was a montage. This was within the National Gallery.

We were fortunate to have the artist present to explain her inspiration behind this work.

Next, we moved out of the National Gallery.

Here is digital graffiti on The Arts House. Interesting take on graffiti in today’s day and age.

Here is the artist behind this grafitti.

Sometimes art perplexes me. In this station, you will see many dishes of beads. You can use the beads to make necklaces.

They were all wet from the soaking rain but that did not deter some.

Next up, students from School Of The Arts. Commonly known as SOTA.

I think this is a very nice platform to let young artists to present their work.

Oh and if you see this structure, it is supposed to be heaven on earth.

Although, Wilber did look like he was in purgatory.

The rain did add to the effect though.

Here are the artists who created this… Once again, they were present for the media preview. If you would like to hear their presentation, you can watch the video walk through.

Oh yes, this was our lovely tour guide for the evening. Sorry for failing to introduce her earlier in the article.

I am still perplexed as to what this is supposed to be. Some people scanning the Padang with some lights and smoke devices.

This is the front of the National Gallery. Ready for the event.

The final piece of the Light to Night exhibition was back inside the National Gallery. This is an artwork by a visually impaired artist.

Ok this has quite a nice meaning. She was explaining how she sees the world. This is perhaps the world from her perspective.

Wilber was intrigued and was wandering around the artwork.

He wrote some well wishes.

Art does not always totally make sense. It does not have to. It makes sense to the artist and they try to convey that sense to us the viewers. To me, attending an art exhibition is an appreciation of someone’s work. A lot of hard work goes into put an exhibition like this together.

Is it worth it? Yes. Why? How would I know? This is art!

Hopefully my videos will give you an idea of what to expect.

Yours sincerely,


Daryl Lum
Daryl Lum
Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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