Yogurt Yoogoo at Mount Austin

Yoogoo is a creamy yoghurt chain in Malaysia. It is perhaps somewhat like Yole in Singapore. What differentiates Yoogoo from brands like Yole and Llao Llao is that the yoghurt that Yoogoo serves is the creamy type. It is served chilled and not frozen. For some apparent reason, this stall has a huge following and is perpetually crowded. We had to explore further. What was its appeal and why the craze?

For starters, we were at the Mount Austin branch. It was in the evening and seats were set outside along the parking lots. However, it was rather warm, so the air-conditioned seating was much more appealing.

For some reason, our creative director Wilber was perplexed by this figurine seated at the entrance of the outlet.

It is obvious that a lot of effort was put into the design of the cafe. Surprisingly, there was a queue developing but most customers chose to have takeaway instead of sitting down in the cafe.

The most common order would be the Signature Yogurt Fruit Bowl.

The other options were Fresh Fruit Yogurt Smoothies, Energy Grains Yogurt Smoothies and Fruit Tea Yogurt. However, in my time in the queue, I did not see any customer ordering these options. The default choice was the Signature Yogurt Fruit Bowl.

The bowls are actually very huge. I personally overestimated my ability and underestimated the sheer mass of yoghurt and fruits. I believe one bowl can be shared among two people.

This helps you gauge how large the bowls are in comparison with Wilber. He deliberated whether to attempt to eat all 3 bowls but wisely decided against it.

As for the yoghurt, it was just decent. It is not frozen yoghurt but creamy in nature. The draw is perhaps the sheer size of the serving coupled with the clean and welcoming interior. If you have ever ventured to Mount Austin, you would be aware that it possesses a wide variety of food options when it comes to having complete meals but in terms of cafes serving dessert, the options are less extensive. Perhaps this is why yoghurt sounds like a very interesting proposition to the people in the area.

My verdict on Yoogoo Yogurt is that this cafe thrives because the area has very few comparative substitutes. Is anyone in Mount Austin getting the hint?

Yogurt Yoogoo – Mount Austin
Address: 23, 7/8, Persiaran Austin Heights, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Open daily from 11 am to 12 am


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Daryl Lum
Daryl Lumhttps://www.daryllum.com/
Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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