We were invited to the launch of the HONOR X9c. Probably the toughest phone on the market?

HONOR is taking this up a few notches. Where your typical phone manufacturers are thinking about long battery life, displays, and the latest gazillion nanometer chip, HONOR is taking this one step further with their latest phone, the HONOR X9c.

We have been working with HONOR in reviewing their phones. They have been sending us their phones to test. If you’ve noticed, some photos within our posts are shot with HONOR phones. These photos would be watermarked.

We were invited to the launch of the HONOR X9c yesterday. It was held at the NUSS Guild House at Suntec City.

The RRP for this phone is $449! That is way more affordable than the latest iPhone 16 which costs a kidney…

Now let us make a compelling case for the HONOR X9c.


When looking for a phone, you must ask yourself three important questions.

Question 1: “What if you needed to hammer a nail into a block of wood and all you had was your smartphone?”

Cue the HONOR X9c.

We tried it and it works. The phone survived and the nail went into the block of wood. Yes, it was a solid nail and a solid block of wood.


Question 2: “What if you left your phone next to a set of keys and your nemesis came along and wanted to use the keys to destroy your phone’s screen?”

We tried and it survived. Yes, that was a solid key and yes the nemesis is Willie himself trying to scratch his phone. Schizophrenia makes one do weird things.


Question 3: “What if you went to Hai Di Lao and all the plates of food took up all the space on the table such that you had nowhere to put your phone but into the hotpot?”

We tried and the phone survived. Yes, that was a real hotpot. The water was boiling. However, for this test, I think it needed to be tomato soup. I usually have that at Hai Di Lao.

Clear winner. 3 out of 3 questions were answered comprehensively.

Here are some of the upgrades this phone brings.

I do think this phone is rather classy and beautiful. For me personally, I would choose the jade green colour. There is something about a round, centrally placed camera ring. A fresh change from the iPhone’s camera bump that is situated in one corner. Placing the phone on the table, it does not wobble as much.

We had hands-on time with the HONOR X9c.

I think Willie is thinking of getting an HONOR phone.

The phone is available for pre-order today from these authorised retailers and online platforms.

HONOR did send us a HONOR X9c to test and we will be doing a full review of the phone very shortly.

In a very congested mobile phone market, HONOR is creating rather compelling options for consumers. Interested? It’s available now for pre-order.

Oh, and there are free gifts! Who does not want free stuff?

Yours sincerely,



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Daryl Lum
Daryl Lumhttps://www.daryllum.com/
Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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