
    We participated in the Pesta Sukan Round Island Bike Adventure!

    Every National Day, there will be a barrage of sporting activities. All these activities are done under the Pesta Sukan banner. One of these activities is the Round Island Bike Adventure (RIBA). This is a 120 km route around Singapore.

    This year, the RIBA was held on the 4th of August 2024. This is not a race. You will need to clear 4 checkpoints and the time allocated was from 7 am to 7 pm. You are given 12 hours to clear the checkpoints.

    There were four starting points. These starting points are also the checkpoints. These checkpoints are:

    1. Singapore Sports Hub
    2. Pasir Ris Sports Centre
    3. Yishun Sport Centre
    4. Jurong West Sport Centre

    For my team and I, we started from the Singapore Sports Hub.

    Here was the route.

    And the rules.

    We were given a number tag to pin onto our jerseys, a bicycle tag and a helmet tag.

    Some of the team were already at the starting point. I was still registering at the registration booth. I encountered some technical difficulties.

    Do not be impressed by the clear weather. This was the calm before the storm. I do think the Little Big Red Dot jerseys look nice though. This was the starting point at the Singapore Sports Hub.

    The jerseys were really nice from the back as well. This was the team on the way to Pasir Ris Sports Centre.

    Willie showing off his Colnago.

    I finally caught up to the team at around East Coast Park.

    The route led us to Changi Village.

    This was really an adventure. Singapore still has a lot of places with a huge degree of rustic beauty.

    Finally, we reached the first checkpoint. Pasir Ris Sport Centre.

    There were refreshments and snacks provided.

    The team decided to have breakfast at the food centre next to the sports centre.

    I do not understand how everyone could ride after such a heavy meal. I did not have anything. It was too early for me.

    Time to head off!

    Oh yes, this was the jersey I was wearing. I think the grey looks real sweet!

    Bye Pasir Ris Sports Centre!

    We set off at about 9:50 am. So much for completing the whole event in under five hours. As you can see, the pace was not quick at all.

    The next checkpoint was at Yishun Sports Centre. This was the point where we completed two out of three checkpoints.

    The refreshments and food were located at a tentage next to the sports centre. The clouds looked ominous. I already encountered sporadic rain when I was trying to catch up with the team.

    So far, we are surviving. The weather was cooling. The conundrum was whether we preferred rain or sun. Either was not ideal. Torrential rain was the order of the day as well will find out later in the ride.

    Oh and finally I am in a group photo.

    The next stop was Jurong West Sports Centre.

    There were pit stops along the way. We stopped at one of them. Suddenly in the middle of nowhere, there was an open air carpark and there was a water point and a first aid vehicle.

    Finally a picture with my kit. My trust old bike and helmet.

    So we eventually reached Jurong West Sports Centre. I was separated from the main group. They missed a right turn. I think they should put up more signs. I got separated from the group at the right turn into NTU. The rest of the group headed straight because they did not see the signboard to turn.

    Willie was also lost and I managed to meet up with him at Jurong West Sports Centre.

    Next up was lunch. And then it rained. Helped clean the mud off our bikes though.

    Willie ate again. I have no idea how he is able to consume so much.

    Now that everyone is fuelled up, it was time to go! Oh wait. It was raining. We had to wait.

    Finally, we cleared all four checkpoints. Every checkpoint we were given a wristband. Four wristband means that I can get a finishers medal and a limited edition RIBA water bottle.

    So what do you get? A limited edition water bottle and a finishers medal.

    I kept one bottle cage empty for this water bottle.

    Final picture with all finishers. 

    Will I do this again? Well yes! The rain made it a lot more interesting. It was not tiring if you ride at a constant slow pace. It was fun doing it in a group. I usually ride alone so it was a change in environment.

    The total distance travelled was 123.4 kilometres. It took us a total of 5 hours and 34 minutes.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday Singapore!

    Yours sincerely,



    Daryl Lum
    Daryl Lum
    Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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