The Tech Show 2024 and APAC Food & Beverage Expo 2024

Remember when The Tech Show meant something? Being a tech geek, I looked forward to attending events like the IT Show, Comex and The Tech Show. These were places where you could find great deals on tech products. These days the best deals are found online. I went for The Tech Show 2024 and that was 30 minutes of my life wasted. It was so bad that I think the highlight of my day was stumbling upon the APAC Food & Beverage Expo 2024.

Let’s start from the beginning…

This is Wilber. The so called IT guy in the office. Supposedly he is interested in all things tech but was unaware of The Tech Show 2024.

Remember the good old days when events like The Tech Show would be flooded with people trying to grab the best hourly deals?

This was how The Tech Show 2024 was like.

I use ULTi products. I bought their stuff on Shopee. Good to see that they had a booth at The Tech Show 2024. I would not bother for the 2025 edition though. I think they would sell more products online. There was literally no one at their booth.

This felt like a home improvement fair more than a tech event.

Customarily Starhub was at the event.

Does anyone actually go to The Tech Show thinking “I would like to get a door lock?”

There were more water filter brands than TV brands at The Tech Show 2024.

It looks like you could set up those children rides where you rent out motorised vehicles to kids to move around. There is so much clear space that we would not worry about hitting anyone.

I do not even know why this is here?

I would broadcast Blank Space by Taylor Swift at this event and put it on loop.

Finally a customer looking at the Logitech booth.

The highlight was perhaps this League of Legends event that was going on.

This was a battle between West Spring Secondary School and Unity Secondary School.

Back to the rest of the show. It looked like Insta 360 was not prepared. And no, the deals were not better than what was on their own website. Nothing to see here.

I never noticed how shiny the cement screed floors at Expo were till now…

This mechanical keyboard brand has been at most IT shows. Seen them at a few of such IT related shows.

Prism+ and their customary booth.


Who is that?

On the way back to the office, I stumbled upon this…

The APAC Food & Beverage Expo 2024.

It looked so much more crowded and interesting and so I decided to go in and take a look.

Here are some pictures of the event.

There are places to sit and eat. You can order food from the stalls and eat at the tables.

Rather pleasant layout. Not cramped. Clean and cooling.

This looks so much better than The Tech Show next door…

There was this mascot hobbling around.


The crowd was very healthy. I needed to navigate myself to take a clear shot of the event.

This is the state of IT fairs. I went to Expo to attend The Tech Show 2024 but I stumbled upon APAC Food & Beverage Expo 2024 and found that more interesting. And I am a vegetarian.

This should be the last version of The Tech Show I will be covering. It is time to pass the baton on to Mr. “I like all things tech but I did not know about The Tech Show 2024” Mr Wilber Suen.

Yours sincerely,


Daryl Lum
Daryl Lum
Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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