
    Good Bites… a cafe located in Bishan Sports Centre?

    Every month the company goes out for a meal. Usually, we do it to celebrate someone’s birthday. This time it was Alison’s birthday. As we have teammates who are Muslim, we dine at halal-certified establishments. The task usually falls squarely on Deena’s shoulders. One point to note, my teammates, well some of them at least, seem unfazed by excess sugar content in their food. Trust me, you will know what I mean as you read further into this blog post.

    “Deena, what is new and/ or in a less popular location? Don’t always go to the usual food eateries that are recommended by food blogs!”

    Good Bites at Bishan Sports Centre.

    Yes, that is the cafe’s name and it is located at Bishan Sports Centre. I visited Bishan Sports Centre before. Where in the world is the cafe? I used the gym at the sports centre more than 20 years ago and it is still located at the same location. The cafe is built on the open space 2 levels above the gym. This is perhaps a good indication that not everything has to be demolished to make space for something new.

    Finding the place is a little tricky. Park at the sheltered car park if you are driving and the cafe is located above the shelter. If you see the gym, just take the stairs two levels up.

    For starters, prices are not very expensive. You can take a look at the menu.

    Here are photos of the actual food.

    Root beer float for Wilber.

    Disclaimer: Wilber did not enjoy his meal. The rest of the team did. He has really high expectations.

    This is Wilber. He is the man behind a lot of the content on Little Big Red Dot.

    He did not have any issue with his root beer float. How can you have an issue with root beer float right?

    I think Good Bites does put in good work in making their food and drinks Instagrammable.

    This is like some paddle pop ice-cream on steroids. Deena had it. She is still young and does not have to deal with high blood sugar issues.

    This was my sugar overload. That wafer brought me back to times when I was a child though.

    Looks good huh?


    Mushroom or pumpkin? For me, pumpkin any day! These were what you would expect from a decent cafe.

    The food was decently good though. All of us gave our mains a solid 7/10 (except for Mr Atas Wilber Suen).


    Oh yes, it took two to finish this lasagna.

    This was Wilber’s choice for the night.

    Fried chicken on waffles. To him, the chicken was very dry. He gave this a 5/10. He did not finish this. Good Bites, if you would like to get feedback, please contact him. For some reason, some of Wilber’s shots of the food on his iPhone 15 Pro Max came out blurry. Maybe he inherently knew that he would not like his order.

    Weird, he looked ok when the food came… That bad meh?

    Come on! This was supposed to be about our colleague’s birthday!

    To me, Good Bites is a place with relatively decent food at generally affordable prices. They state on their website that they have a goal of serving delicious fusion western dishes at pocket-friendly prices. To that goal, I would say that they more or less got it right.

    Any thoughts Wilber?

    Good Bites
    5 Bishan Street 14, #03-01
    Bishan ActiveSG Sports Hall
    Singapore 579783

    Open daily from 11 am to 5 am

    Yours sincerely,


    Daryl Lum
    Daryl Lum
    Gamer at heart, football fan, health enthusiast, loves to read, write, cycle, travel. Always interested in the latest that technology has to offer. Currently entrenched in the Apple ecosystem with little to no chance of escaping. Action movie fan. Thinks that midi-chlorians are littered around the universe. May the force be with you all...

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